Definitions U

UNDERSTANDING: is the perceiving and feeling what things are of themselves, what their relations are, and comprehending why they are so and are so related.

UNIT, A: is an indivisible and irreducible one, a circle, which has an unmanifested side, as shown by a horizontal diameter. The manifested side has an active and a passive side, as shown by a mid-vertical line. Changes made by their interaction are effected by the presence of the unmanifested through both. Every unit has the potentiality of becoming one with the ultimate reality-Consciousness-by its constant progression in being conscious in ever higher degrees.

UNITS: The training and education of units is based on the proposition that every nature unit has the potentiality of becoming an Intelligence. The education of the unit is conducted in a University of Laws. A University of Laws is a perfected, sexless physical body of the Realm of Permanence, which is governed by the doer and thinker and knower of a Triune Self complete according to the Eternal Order of Progression. The education of the unintelligent unit of nature consists in the increase in being consecutively conscious as its function through all degrees until it eventually graduates from the University, to become an intelligent unit beyond nature. The degrees in the perfect body are: transient units, compositor units, and sense units, and finally there is the breath-form unit, which is in training to be graduated from nature and be an intelligent unit conscious as itself and of all things and laws. Transient units are by the compositors composed into and function as structure in all parts of the University body of laws. During their transitory stay they are empowered and charged as laws and sent forth to be the operating laws of nature. Sense units are the ambassadors from the great elements fire, air, water, and earth, which are to guide the four systemsgenerative, respiratory, circulatory and digestive-of which the organs are operating parts. The breath-form unit coordinates the senses and systems and organs into the functioning constitution of the body.

UNITS, NATURE: are distinguished by being conscious as their functions only. Nature units are not conscious of anything. There are four kinds: free units which are unbound and unattached to other units in mass or structure; transient units, which are composed into or cohere in structure or mass for a time and then pass on; compositor units, which compose and hold transient units for a time; and sense units, as sight, hearing, taste, and smell, which control or govern the four systems of the human body. All nature units are unintelligent.

UNIT, AN ORGAN: Through one cell-link unit an organ unit keeps in relation all the cells of which the organ is composed, so that it may perform its function or functions which link it to the other organs into the one of the four systems in the body to which it belongs.

UNITS, SENSE: are the four link nature units in the body which connect and relate the four senses of sight, hearing, taste, and smell, with their respective four systems: sight with the generative, hearing with the respiratory, taste with the circulative, and smell with the digestive; and, with the four elements: fire, air, water, and earth.

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